Trivia Goodness

Mockups of Trivia Goodness website screens


Trivia Goodness is a medley of trivia games hosted in locations across the Columbus, OH area. With a focus on infusing positivity into every moment, Trivia Goodness puts the good back into your good times four days a week.

Having blossomed into a multi-location phenomenon, boasting a cadre of skilled hosts and an extensive repertoire of games, Trivia Goodness recognized the need for a website overhaul that mirrored their brand and mission.


Trivia Goodness


Information Architecture & Wireframing
Conceptual Design
UI Design


Information Architecture

Prior to design and development, Trivia Goodness' website was audited and reorganized to present their content in an intuitive format so that any member of their audience could easily find what they are looking for.

From new and past players to hosts to bar owners, it was important that all information regarding games and upcoming events were easy to find in the navigation, and that the content was not unnecessarily repetitive across various pages.

The wireframes provided a clear blueprint for content placement, forming a solid foundation for the subsequent design process.

Mobile view of homepage, contact page, and homebase example page


Elevating Entertainment

The project's main objective was to create a website that captured Trivia Goodness' lively and playful persona while providing a seamless experience for existing and prospective players to explore game details and upcoming events. Additionally, the site aimed to serve bar owners and hosts by offering essential information for hosting Trivia Goodness events or preparing for an upcoming hosting gig.

The final Trivia Goodness site reflects the company's personality through their bright, whimsical colors and copy that doesn't take itself too seriously while still displaying necessary information in an easily digestible, user-friendly matter.

Various Trivia Goodness pages
Mobile view of Our Games page
iPhone outline
Mobile view of host popup bio
iPhone outline
Information Architecture, Wireframing, Conceptual Design, UI Design, and Development as a Web Designer at Studio Pence
2021 © Trivia Goodness